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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Keep Pressing Forward

Pressing forward is not easy as it sounds but in doing so our efforts will eventually pay off. Galatians 6:9-(And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.)

When we choose to remain steady in the faith, we see results. Imagine you are in a marathon, your goal is to endure to the end. It may start off strong when you have the most energy but somewhere in the middle you start to slow down. Near the end, finishing takes lasting power. During this time you may have to motivate yourself, find your inner strength, and believe it is possible. You may feel like giving up or throwing in the towel because you may think you do not have it in you. Somehow you muster your courage and remind yourself how much it took to get this far. You see the end result of everything you have worked hard for and you make it to the end. You did it. You kept pressing forward when you could have give in. Your effort paid off.

In our journey called life we continue to press forward no matter the situation ahead. We see our victory. We see the opportunity to do great things and we accomplish them by pressing forward and reaping in due season. So, continue to press forward.